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Focus on Engaging More Policyholders

Liminal enables you to securely leverage generative AI to make smarter underwriting decisions, drive efficiency across business development teams, and streamline claims and customer service - all while helping ensure PII, PHI + other sensitive data remains protected.

Optimize Employee Capacity + Utilize Resources Efficiently

When you can securely use generative AI, you free up time for underwriters, adjusters, business development resources, and client services teams to focus more on gaining and helping customers.

70 minutes

Average time per day a Customer Service Representative (CSR) can save with Liminal-secured generative AI

$14.6 million

Average annual efficiency gains from Liminal-secured generative AI in a 5000-employee insurance organization


ROI from Liminal on a single use case

To learn more about how Liminal serves you, check out our Insurance Business Use Cases Guide.

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Drive Efficiency and Productivity Across Your Organization

Liminal’s secure platform enables Insurance organizations to securely deploy and use generative AI.

Expedite the Creation of Tailored Customer Support Communications

Personalized customer service communications are pivotal in building trust and demonstrating a deep understanding of individual policyholder needs and concerns. A tailored approach fosters stronger relationships and can significantly influence policyholder retention and satisfaction. However, the process of generating communications that cater to each policyholder's specific situation is a demanding and resource-heavy process, posing challenges to the efficiency of customer service workflows.

With Liminal’s secure platform, customer service representatives (CSRs) can leverage generative AI to drastically reduce the time commitment associated with crafting personalized client-specific and situation-specific responses.

Streamline Prospect Outreach

Acquiring new customers is vital for the insurance industry, as it drives growth, enhances market share, and ensures long-term sustainability in a highly competitive sector. Creating personalized and relevant communications is essential for attracting new business, yet customizing effective messages for each prospect requires significant effort.

Leveraging Liminal, business development resources (BDRs) can safely use generative AI to efficiently create more effective, detailed, and personalized outreach communications.

Quickly Develop Client-Specific Product Recommendations

Every policyholder's insurance needs are unique. By tailoring policy recommendations to match individual coverage needs and risk profiles, insurers can provide more competitive quotes and increase policy uptake.However, the process of developing customized insurance portfolios is challenging, and requires a thorough understanding of diverse client profiles.

Utilizing Liminal, agents and advisors can securely harness generative AI tools to compile personalized policy recommendations based on individual client needs.

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Getting Started Is Easy

Start protecting your sensitive data in under an hour.

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HIPAA Compliant

SOC 2 Type 1

SOC 2 Type 2

ISO 27001 (in progress)

SOC 2 Type 1

HITRUST (in progress)

SOC 2 Type 2

NIST (in progress)