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One Platform to Secure All Generative AI

Unleash organization-wide productivity with a horizontal security solution that works across all generative AI use cases.

Unlimited Applications. One Security Platform.

The landscape of generative AI-enabled tools is unbounded. The Liminal Platform protects your most critical and sensitive data - across any model, in every application you use, and in every application you build.

Secure Direct Interactions with Generative AI

Liminal Spaces provides a secure chat interface for direct interactions with any generative AI model.
Multi model and model agnostic
Real-time streaming policy enforcement
Context Aware

Protect Data Within Generative AI-Enabled Apps You Use

Liminal Streams protects the generative AI-enabled components within any off-the-shelf application.
Detect any generative AI component in any application
Lightweight desktop daemon and browser plugin
Enforce policies in real time, as the user engages

Safeguard Generative AI Interactions in Apps You Build

Liminal Elements enables your team to easily incorporate security controls into any employee or customer facing application you build.
Just 4 lines of code
High quality documentation
Streaming responses

Fast, Accurate, Intelligent Data Protection

Powering each experience within the Liminal Platform is the Liminal Engine. Driven by our proprietary ensemble algorithm, the Liminal Engine identifies critical data in prompts, enforces your security policies against that data prior to submission, then rehydrates the detected components upon return - all in a fast, accurate, and intelligent manner that optimizes security and minimizes user disruption.

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Sensitive data is identified in prompts before submission to any generative AI model or tool.

Compliance-defined terms


Sensitive data unique to your organization

IP, Trade Secrets, Patents



Security policies are applied to detected data according to the granular controls you set.









Context matters. While most solutions simply redact, Liminal can intelligently mask terms, preserving the context and intent while ensuring compliance with your policies.



Outputs are reviewed upon return, and the protected terms are rehydrated back to their submission state.

Retain context

Maximize value returned to user

Maintain intended UX

Total Generative AI Oversight, Administration, and Observability

The Liminal Console enables organizations to set and manage generative AI security protocols across all engagements through a single hub.

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Intelligent Administration

Granular security controls allow organizations to fine-tune rule sets and policies across all generative AI interactions. This involves specifying the types of data that can be shared, with which models, and what data governance rules apply.

Secure Access + Management

Confidently enforce data security policies and access privileges in conversations with any generative AI model. This includes controlling which users have access to which models, and what data types users are allowed to share. Permissions can be set at an organization, team, or individual user level. Liminal integrates with any SAML-compliant IdP to streamline administrative setup and auth.

Real Time Alerting + Observability

Gain up to the minute insights into AI usage and security, including customizable event triggers and streaming auditable logs.

All Deployed in Less Than An Hour

Getting Started Is Easy

Start protecting your sensitive data in under an hour.

Start Today

HIPAA Compliant

SOC 2 Type 1

SOC 2 Type 2

ISO 27001 (in progress)

SOC 2 Type 1

HITRUST (in progress)

SOC 2 Type 2

NIST (in progress)